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Local Data Warehouse

Tracking Countywide Data From Early Education Through Career AttainmentThis initiative supports the implementation of a countywide data warehouse that has the capability to track data from early education through sustainable career attainment.  Access to real time data, with the ability to disaggregate in all ways, allows practitioners to make the most informed decisions around strategy identification and implementation.

Data Warehouse History

  • Data identified by Leadership Network as an initial core value for partnership in 2018.
  • Exploration around local data warehouse by Backbone Staff and Steering Committee (2018-2020), concept was cost prohibitive at that time. 
  • In 2021 Backbone Staff began exploring again, in response to the data needs that continued and were magnified by the pandemic. Opportunity to begin implementation of a local data warehouse was made possible with COVID Relief funds.
  • Endorsed by the Steering Committee to move forward in alignment with StanC2C, with initial focus on school district partners in April 2021.
  • Implementation began in early 2022 and is continuing.